Of course, the new season has started and I just live for Wednesdays. Tonight, I laughed out loud when Tim Gunn said "Holla at ya boy!" I can't wait for the episode where Michael Kors says, "Slutty, slutty, slutty!" That's going to be fabulous. And, seriously, how cute is Kennley? Oh my gosh, I want to look like a '40s pin-up girl!
However, while I love the show, let's talk about my dislikes:
1. Suede. Seriously, did his parents hate him or did they just know he was going to grow up and use fabric after his own namesake? I can't decide what's more annoying his name or the fact that he talks about himself in the third person. Wait, yes I can - the fact that he talks about himself in the third person. Honestly, who does that? "Suede, Rachel would like to kick your ass."
2. Blayne adding ridiculous endings like "-licious" to every word. In tonight's episode Tim Gunn opened the door and Blayne actually said, "Hi, Timlicious." Blayne, Tim Gunn doesn't need any help being gay - he's got it covered. Oh, and Blayne, wash your hair, man.
3. "I like leatha. I mean, I'm into leatha - that's just what I do." When did Project Runway turn into The Godfather miniseries? Oy, Stella.
4. The gangster-Mormon cross known as Keith. I don't think I really need to explain that further. When was the last time you saw a Mormon wearing a bandana on his head and a wife-beater?
I'll have to wait until next week's episode to add to the list. It's a little short now, but I'm sure there will be more.
Switching gears: I've decided it's absolutely criminal how cute my sister is. Mom made her a new showmanship outfit with Janell's horse, Lucky, painted on it. Put it all together (Janell and her unfair genetic advantage, a kick-ass horse and a new outfit) and you get what is equivalent to a monopoly in the 17-18 western division at the Illinois State Fair Junior Horse Show.
I get to come home and visit the unfair genetic advantage (and the rest of the family) this weekend, which is exciting. I actually get to be at home for part of the week next week and then the weekend. Hopefully, I can get a lot of wedding stuff done and out of the way so that I don't have to worry about it later. I still need to take my dress to be altered, get my veil, get table linens, line out the flowers, take care of table service and get decorations. Yikes.
Oh well, I'd be bored if I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head chopped off.