Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I'm in shape...

...round is a shape.

So, you know how sometimes you look at yourself in pictures and you think, "Oh my gosh - I didn't think I looked that bad when I saw myself in the mirror this morning."

That's kind of the way I've been feeling lately. After the wedding, I let myself fall off of the workout wagon. So, last week, I decided it was finally time to jump back on and get moving. I've been trying to head down to the exercise room every other night or so. I'm gradually working my way back up to the point where I left off: two nights ago I ran two and a half miles on the treadmill and lifted weights for a little while. Not quite up to par, but it's getting there.

And, Cheryl told me that she just got two new Gilad DVDs for me to continue my affair with pilates. Gilad promises to get me bikini ready in 24 days. I suppose if I'm going to cheat on my husband, I might as well do it with someone that can make me look smashing.

In other news, David and I successfully made it through Christmas with our families - it wasn't necessarily easy, but...

Ok, so I probably shouldn't say that. Don't get me wrong - I love being home with our families and getting to spend some quality time with everyone. However, that just isn't a vacation for me. David's family has a million little kids running around all the time and all my Dad's side of the family wants to know is how far Nebraska is from Illinois and if my diabetes is still in check.

Aside from those few little things, though, we had a good time at home. As usual, my mom's side of the family provided the comedy with several "Santa" gifts (at our house, you don't want gifts from Santa).

After Christmas, David and I headed home. I took the Monday after Christmas off so I could catch up on some things at home and have a little 'break' before heading back to work. Of course, the New Years holiday was also that week, so I didn't spend two much time at work the week of Christmas or the week after Christmas.

That only means one thing: this week has been brutal! I'm not sure I remember how to put in a full work week! But, there are things to look forward to this weekend. Rachel is headed over to Lincoln to spend some time with me and her favorite redhead, David (actually, I think she just wants to see her boyfriend, but I'm going to pretend that she's just coming to see me), and I'm excited to hang out Friday night and spend some girl time together.

More big news: David has an interview for an internship next week. The internship is with an online sports writing company and is unpaid, but he also doesn't have to travel. David can do all of his work right here from home and has the opportunity (if they consider him to be a 'strong' intern) to work full-time at the conclusion of his internship. I told him he might as well go for it because, as of right now, he has the time to do it and it can only pad his resume and provide him with some extra work samples to send out in job applications later down the line.

Anyway, I think that's all of the big news I have for tonight (which, should be a lot considering how long it has been since I posted). Hopefully, I can get my other foot back in the workout wagon...