Whew! The past week and weekend sure have been busy with all of the visitors David and I have had at our place.
Last weekend, Rachel and Jessica decided to make the trip over while Jessica was on spring break. Of course, not to be outdone, Brian and Janell decided to join the party, too. So, with a full house, David and I entertained.
Brian and Janell arrived late Friday night after a little bit of "sightseeing" (yep, did a little extra driving when they missed their exit). After David got off work, we decided to watch some movies and, of course, sleep late on Saturday.
Saturday morning, Rachel and Jessica arrived to bring the party quotient up a noch. After some TV and much lack of decision as to what to do with our afternoon, we decided to make a trip out to Scheel's. Originally, we were looking for ladder golf (sounds dumb, but seriously is one of the most fun games to play outside in the summer), but when we realized Scheel's had a much overpriced version of the game, we decided to go with something cheaper. The game we ended up with is a college favorite and I'm going to leave it at that.
Of course, you know I love my pictures, and I have a few from the weekend, but those will also remain classified. Top secret clearance only - sorry.
Sunday was another sleep in day - for me anyway. When I finally got out of bed at 9, Janell, Brian and David were all up watching a movie and chowing down on some leftover breakfast. Following another round of breakfast (I needed some food and Brian didn't turn down seconds) we decided on a board game. Jessica and Rachel dropped by again and we all went out for supper. Following supper, we had a few mean games of UNO before Rachel and Jessica had to head east back to Iowa.
Janell and Brian had planned to stay until Tuesday morning, so they spent Monday exploring the city of Lincoln and then took me out of supper while David had to work. All in all, it turned out to be a top notch few days.
In other news, David heard from Scheel's and didn't get the job. But, he did talk with his boss at the paper and he mentioned the possibility of David getting some writing opportunities or even his own beat with the Lincoln Saltdogs - which of course, would be awesome!
Anyway, other than that, we're just doing the same old thing. David is working tonight and I'm watching TV and working on Mount Laundry that has taken over our bedroom. Woohoo.
Oh well, tomorrow should be a nice, lazy Sunday - can't wait!
6 years ago