Thursday, February 24, 2011


Yep. That's what's going on here. I've been avoiding this thing like the plague for the last, oh, I don't know, several months. Work has been an absolute beast and I just haven't had the desire to sit down and write like I used to. I mean, I write for a living. And, sometimes, that just doesn't leave me with enough desire to write for pleasure.

But, after much poking, prodding and pestering (Aunt Cheryl), I'm back at it. And, I couldn't think of a better way to "start fresh" than to start with baby news.

No, not mine.

My sister-in-law, Tracie, and her husband, Neil, had their first child Feb. 18 and David and I were lucky enough to be a couple of the first family members to meet this new little bundle of joy.

Of course, Uncle Dave and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to take lots and lots of pictures.


 If you couldn't tell, Uncle Dave is pretty proud.

Even though I'm not technically related, I have to say Baby Ellie has a pretty proud Aunt Rachel, too. She is just about the cutest thing I've ever seen. And, she's pretty sweet, too. I have a feeling Uncle Dave and I will be making more than one trip over to Des Moines in the near future to visit this little cutie.

Of course, spending the weekend with the newest Torbert grandchild means that David and I are officially "under the gun." I have a feeling, when that does happen, it's going to be some kind of crazy.