Sunday, June 22, 2008

Praise God!

I'm not leaving too much time here between my last post and this one. But, something occurred to me this morning while checking my email: those of you who regularly read my blog might like to check up on Kristina, too.

Here I was talking about the power of faith and prayer last night, and I didn't give you all a chance to get to know Kristina and pray for her yourself. If you would like to visit the website her family has set up, the address is as follows:

Now, for the news of this morning!

I left a message for Greb (that's my nickname for her) last night telling her all about my conference and what I had been doing. And, I told her I was so proud of her for all of the progress that she had made, and that I had to keep reminding myself that her recovery was on her schedule, and not mine. I told her that she needed to keep fighting to wake up out of her coma, that I was praying for her recovery and that I knew my dad was watching over her and helping her along. All of the messages posted to her website are read to Kristina - the doctors have told her parents that she can hear what's going on and that reading these messages will be comforting to her.

This morning, like I have done most mornings, I got up and checked her website for updates first thing. I couldn't have been happier when I read the journal update.

Last night around midnight, Greb starting moving a lot on her left side. She starting trying to take off the neck and chest brace she has on. On her right side, they have restraints around her wrist to keep her from removing her feeding tube, and she kept trying to move her hand. Gary, her father, asked her to raise her left hand if she wanted the restraint off, and she did. So, they removed the restraint and she started moving her right side. She also made a noise like she was trying to respond to the nurses, was sweating a lot (which apparently is a good sign) and had a lot of movement in her eyes.

So, all signs are pointing to her trying to wake up and come back to us! I'm so happy - I left her a message on the website telling her to tell her mom, dad, brother and family how much she loves them when she wakes up, and then to call me because I just couldn't wait to hear her voice!

When my dad died, unlike most people, it reaffirmed my faith in God - it strengthened my faith and belief. Watching (from afar) one of my closest friends go through an accident like this is just more proof that God is wonderful and almighty. I know all of the prayers for Kristina have been heard and he has sent his angels down to be with her. I can't wait for that next update that tells me she's talking...probably about how the Cubs are going to beat the White Sox in the cross town series...

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