Well, what do you think? I decided I needed to switch from the ominous dark blogspot to a new, fresh and friendly layout.
And, the blog wasn't the only thing that needed a change. I decided I needed to change a little, too. Not drastically, obviously, but a change just the same. Instead of white, I'm now more of a lobster color.
I have recently decided that if I'm going to wear a white dress in November (long after the sun has retired from it's tanning days) I need to get a little color. That way, I don't look like one big, overweight ghost walking down the aisle. So, as of Thursday of last week, I have started tanning. I never thought I would pay money just to be roasted like a Thanksgiving turkey, but I have to say, I do like being a color other than white. And, tanning is very relaxing - it's all warm and cozy and makes me want to take a nap. On the other hand, there are hidden perils - including burning. That's why, right now, I look more like a lobster than I do a human being.

Anyway, this weekend I headed over to Iowa to visit my best good friend Rachel and the rest of my pledge class from 4-H House. All of the girls that I pledged with are seniors this year, so they decided to take their senior walk-out up to Ames, Iowa for a little tailgating and to have a little bachelorette party for me. It was so great to see them and just get to hang out and catch up with them this weekend.

Needless to say, when we haven't been together for a long time, things can get a little....awkward.
I finally got to Rachel's house at about 11 Friday night and the rest of the girls got there a little after 12. Saturday, we spent our morning and afternoon at the Iowa State football game - partaking in the tailgating. I wish I had taken pictures of the tailgating festivities to put on here (if you would like to see some, check out the "Blog List" box on the right side of my page and click on "The Meating Place."), because, let me tell you, those Iowa State fans really know how to tailgate. Rachel tailgates with several boys on a regular basis and earlier this year, they got together and bought a retired ambulance (yes, you read that correctly) to take to tailgates. They even had decals made for the side of the ambulance that says ISU 911 and has the ISU Cyclones logo on it. Very original.
After a long morning of tailgating and partaking in tailgate festivities (you know what I mean), we headed back to Rachel's house for a little nap. Unfortunately, napping wasn't as successful as I hoped it would be. I did get a couple of hours in, but the Illinois-Michigan game was far to exciting to sleep through (ILL-INI!). Finally, we grabbed some supper and headed out for a night on the town to celebrate my last remaining days of being a single gal. And, anyone who really knows me, knows I've actually been settled for about 5 years - so, I wasn't much of a bachelorette. But, I had fun just the same. For additional pictures of the festivities, check out Facebook.
That's pretty much the most excitement I've had in a while. Today, things were back to normal. I got home, went to the tanning salon, got some groceries, came home and worked out with David, and then made supper. Then, David and I settled in for a little movie watching - Forgetting Sarah Marshall. If you're a fan of "stupid-funny" movies, this one is a must watch.
Tomorrow mom will be here to help me finish up a few of the wedding things that need to get done. She'll probably end up staying through Thursday. And, her arrival can only mean one thing: I need to wrap up this post so I can clean my entire house.