22 days until the wedding! I can't wait! Thursday evening mom and I were able to get some of the decorations and reception logistics taken care of, so that's one more thing I can knock of my "to do" list. There are still several things I need to do, but the list does keep getting smaller and smaller.
Tonight marks the end of a week of testimonial traveling. I spent the first part of the week in Michigan and then headed home on Wednesday night to spend the rest of the week at home. I ran to Champaign with mom on Thursday morning to have a horse scoped for ulcers and worked from home the rest of the day. Then, today, I ran up to Galesburg and Iowa City to interview a couple of veterinarians for testimonials.

I'm headed home to Nebraska tomorrow so I can have Sunday to rest before I have to head back to work Monday. I have to say, I really have missed home and David. He has spent the week at home by himself because he had to work this week, so I'm anxious to get home spend the rest of my weekend with him.
David and I are headed back to Clinton again next weekend to finish up a few final things that need to be done before the wedding (i.e. marriage license)....and then.....one final weekend...and it's time.
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