Ok, as is customary, I will use the first line of my entry tonight to apologize for waiting so long to post! Life has been busy recently - of course, it took us a little while to recover from the wedding. But, we also had to decorate and get ready for Christmas, and....and...okay, so I don't really have any good excuses.
Anyway, the weather tonight really is frightful. Here in Nebraska were expecting a winter "grab bag" of crappy weather - i.e. sleet, freezing rain and snow. I know what you're thinking: "Oh my gosh - what could be better?" My thoughts exactly. David had to work tonight and of course the weather started getting really nasty about the time he had to leave. I told him to give me a call when he got to work and when he got ready to leave - hey, you can never be too careful.
Anyway, David and I are finally starting to get things all settled here in Nebraska. It took a while to find a place for all of those wedding gifts in this tiny little apartment, but we made it work. We also got all of our Christmas decorations put up (our thanks to mom and Chuck for sending the Christmas tree and Cheryl and Ted for sending the Santa Clauses). I've put up some updated pictures of our decorations and our apartment so those of you that haven't visited can see what things are shaping up to look like!
I just love having Christmas decorations up - I wish we could keep the Christmas tree up all year! But, I suppose that would take some of the 'excitement' of Christmas away.
Anyway, I suppose it's just more of the same old thing here in Nebraska. It's just as cold and wintery as it is at home - but, David and I are anxious to head home and see everyone for the holidays. I've taken a couple of days off, so our plan is to head home on Tuesday morning of next week. We'll have to head back to Nebraska the Sunday after Christmas.
Of course, when we come home, we can't wait to show everyone our WEDDING PICTURES! That's right - our photographer emailed me this week to let me know that the pictures were up and ready for everyone to look at.

The pictures look wonderful - I'm so excited that they turned out so well. Of course, I do wish that I didn't look like an Amazon woman, but there isn't too much I can do about that.
Anyway...in other news...David is still working for the Lincoln Journal Star and I think he enjoys it, but he's also really anxious to find a full time job. It's not that we can't make it work (it isn't easy - but, we can still make ends meet), I just think he feels like he isn't contributing enough.
I don't like it either - I don't think the situation is fair for him. I mean, he went to college, too. He has a degree just like I do, and I think he deserves the chance to have a full time job and put his degree to use, too. It doesn't help that the job market sucks right now, but he's been out here for almost five months and still hasn't found anything. So, he continues to look for jobs here in Nebraska, but he's also looking for jobs in other states. I told him that he should go ahead and look and if he finds something, then he should go for it. If he gets a job elsewhere, he can move out there and I'll stay here in Nebraska at least long enough to stay at my job for a full year. After that, I'll try to find a job in the same area and join him wherever he is. It isn't a great plan, but it's the only plan we have right now.
I suppose that's it from our end. Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year! Keep praying for David to find a job that he'll enjoy and will allow him to use his talents and intelligence....
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