Has it really been that long since I updated this thing? June 4th is REALLY the last entry? Yikes.
Updating the blog was on my "To Do" list, but I really didn't think it had been three weeks since I touched it. But, I suppose that's all water under the bridge. Thanks to a favorite aunt and a much-loved Christmas carol from my childhood, I'm back at it.
The only problem is, I still have a major case of writer's block. I have little to no value to add to your lives, I know. So, perhaps, you can add value to mine.
Ok, fine. Here's a completely boring and useless update on our lives:
We flip-flopped seasons out here. Seriously, it has been a little bit ridiculous. We went straight from winter to summer (which was wonderful), and then switched back to spring because God realized he forgot it and didn't want people to know he was asleep at the wheel. Hey, hey - I'm kidding. Anyway, we have quite literally had storms everyday, one after another, for the past five days. I have never seen storms lined up like this.
Clouds + Lightning = Rachel on the deck with a camera...and stupidity. Yep. If you happen to live in Lakeside Village apartments, I'm that crazy lady that has been sitting on the deck in a holey t-shirt and running shorts - with a camera in her lap - for the past week, trying to get a cool picture of lightning. Am I stupid? Probably. Some of that lightning has been nasty!
We're coming home. Again. David's sister and neices will be home over the Fourth of July weekend and Tracie and Neil are also planning to come home that weekend. So, it looks like we'll be making the trip home once again. Be prepared. Oh, and per my usual, I'll have my camera surgically attached to my hip. Let me know if you want fun summer pictures (Ok, fine - I'm only talking to Cheryl. She's the only one who has ever wanted fun summer pictures).
Boredom. You know me - I get bored with my hair pretty easily. In fact, one might suggest I change my hair like some people change clothes. Either way, I've had the same hair cut for about a year and now I'm bored. I'm getting my hair cut next week and, as of right now, I'm thinking shorter (don't tell David). What should I do with this mop (other than color out for four gray hairs I found last night)?
Rachel + Elliptical = Togetha Foreva. I have a new best friend, people. I love my best good friend, Rachel, but she just hasn't been there for me recently like the elliptical has. We're like *this* (fingers crossed). And, I have certainly needed its friendship this week. We had clients in town early in the week, so there was a lot of eating out and drinking beer. Then, tonight, David and I are headed to a baseball game (you guessed it, more beer) and tomorrow, we're playing softball (more beer again).
David + Baseball Pants = SUPER CUTE. As I mentioned above, we're playing softball this summer. Ok, I use the term "we" loosely. David is playing softball and I'm sitting on the bleachers, watching him play softball in his baseball pants. I multi-task by drooling over the baseball pants and trying to keep score for the team. On a sidenote, I'm not very good at multi-tasking, but I'm pretty good at drooling.
I'm good at math. As evidenced by my most recent affinity for equations (see above).
Are you happy now? You have been updated. You now every useless and boring thing that has happened to us in the past few weeks.
I've indulged you - now you indulge me and help out with this writer's block problem. What do you people want to hear about? More baseball pants? Surely not. I could go on and on about the state of the agriculture industry and what I think about the HSUS, but I'm sure you're tired of that by now.
So, what do you want to know? Would you like me to post recipes? Rewrite mine and Scoop's cute little love story? Talk about the lint stuck in between my toes? Ponder on my love affair with the elliptical machine?
Tell me! Inquiring minds want to know!
6 years ago
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