The pictures look wonderful - I'm so excited that they turned out so well. Of course, I do wish that I didn't look like an Amazon woman, but there isn't too much I can do about that.
My life has always been a little chaotic - and chaos doesn't always leave time for phone calls and emails to catch up with friends and family. Being eight hours away from everyone makes it that much worse. So, I decided to be totally cliche and create a blog to keep in touch with family and friends at home.
I'm headed home to Nebraska tomorrow so I can have Sunday to rest before I have to head back to work Monday. I have to say, I really have missed home and David. He has spent the week at home by himself because he had to work this week, so I'm anxious to get home spend the rest of my weekend with him.
David and I are headed back to Clinton again next weekend to finish up a few final things that need to be done before the wedding (i.e. marriage license)....and then.....one final weekend...and it's time.
Nothing special, but still a little bit of something for everyone to look at - that way at least I won't get yelled at for not posting!
I actually have some more pictures from the farm this weekend, but I'm having trouble getting them to load; I'll try to remember to put them up this week. Additional pics from this weekend can be seen on my Facebook profile.
Tomorrow I'm headed to Michigan for work. I'm excited to meet with veterinarians and producers up there and of course, I'll make sure to post pictures of my travels when I get time this week.
I think that's it for now - can't wait to see you all in 27 DAYS!
Needless to say, when we haven't been together for a long time, things can get a little....awkward.
I finally got to Rachel's house at about 11 Friday night and the rest of the girls got there a little after 12. Saturday, we spent our morning and afternoon at the Iowa State football game - partaking in the tailgating. I wish I had taken pictures of the tailgating festivities to put on here (if you would like to see some, check out the "Blog List" box on the right side of my page and click on "The Meating Place."), because, let me tell you, those Iowa State fans really know how to tailgate. Rachel tailgates with several boys on a regular basis and earlier this year, they got together and bought a retired ambulance (yes, you read that correctly) to take to tailgates. They even had decals made for the side of the ambulance that says ISU 911 and has the ISU Cyclones logo on it. Very original.
After a long morning of tailgating and partaking in tailgate festivities (you know what I mean), we headed back to Rachel's house for a little nap. Unfortunately, napping wasn't as successful as I hoped it would be. I did get a couple of hours in, but the Illinois-Michigan game was far to exciting to sleep through (ILL-INI!). Finally, we grabbed some supper and headed out for a night on the town to celebrate my last remaining days of being a single gal. And, anyone who really knows me, knows I've actually been settled for about 5 years - so, I wasn't much of a bachelorette. But, I had fun just the same. For additional pictures of the festivities, check out Facebook.
That's pretty much the most excitement I've had in a while. Today, things were back to normal. I got home, went to the tanning salon, got some groceries, came home and worked out with David, and then made supper. Then, David and I settled in for a little movie watching - Forgetting Sarah Marshall. If you're a fan of "stupid-funny" movies, this one is a must watch.
Tomorrow mom will be here to help me finish up a few of the wedding things that need to get done. She'll probably end up staying through Thursday. And, her arrival can only mean one thing: I need to wrap up this post so I can clean my entire house.
That's a good friend of ours in the top picture; she leases my horse, Linny, so I had to snap some pictures of her, too.
I have to say, I would give just about anything to have a camera like the one I used this weekend. The camera I had this weekend was a Nikon D70 - they don't make them anymore, but a Nikon D80 is nearly the same thing and they are just wonderful cameras. One of these days, when I can save up a boatload of money, I will have one of those cameras!
Anyway, while we were home, David ran over to Champaign with his dad and brother to get fitted for his tux for the wedding. He was hoping to have a few of the other guys that were in the wedding come with him, but with harvest everyone is so busy. So, instead of going out for drinks in Champaign, he just headed home and invited a few guys over later that night.
In terms of other wedding items, we're actually doing pretty well on the "to do" list. We still have to get gifts for the wedding party and take care of some of the decorations, but most of the big stuff is done. And, it's a good thing considering the wedding is less that two months away - I can't believe it! In fact, David and I got our first RSVP cards back today.
We're thinking the next trip home is going to be the weekend of Oct. 18. Grandpa and Grandma Baum want to have family pictures done for their 60th wedding anniversary, so David and I are planning on driving home to participate in that. The pictures aren't until Sunday, so Saturday is going to be packed full of wedding things that need to get done. Hair cut, dress fitting, flowers and meeting with the wedding coordinator are among them.
Other than that, I don't have too much to report. David is still working part time for the Journal Star, and so far, seems to really enjoy it. Of course, we're still looking for that perfect full time job - keep praying that something comes our way soon. Mom was thinking about heading over to Nebraska to see the apartment and help me finish up some of the wedding stuff - last time I talked to her she was thinking about coming next week. I'm really looking forward to that because I'm hoping that will give us a chance to get some of the little things done like picking up some decorations and getting odds and ends like the pillow for the ring bearer and such.
Parting words for tonight's entry? 44 days until the wedding!