After a couple of pretty crummy days, life just got a little brighter!
First things first: I got a new car! Well, I don't have it in my hot little hands just yet, but I'm hoping to pick it up by the middle of the week. Now, take a seat if you aren't sitting already...I bought a NEW car. For those of you that know me, you thinking, "You mean, you bought something that already has about 50,000 miles on it?" No. It has ZERO miles (well, almost zero - like, 225 or something). I'm buying a 2008 Chevy Malibu - and this car is seriously BA. I'm so excited - I've never had a new car before. It's a little scary, too, because I don't want anything to happen to it. The poor little Monte Carlo I have now is all beat-up and bruised and I definitely don't want anything to happen to a new car. I suppose the good thing is I'll be living in a place that isn't a college campus, and hopefully that will take some of the risk away!
I was at the dealership most of the morning because when I got there, Grandma Margie and Grandpa Dick were there. So, before I started looking at cars mom, Scott and I went out to lunch with grandma and grandpa. It was great to catch up with them - I hadn't seen them in a while because they spent their winter down in Florida. And, as always, any meal with them was entertaining.
So, after lunch and then doing some test-driving, I drove home and visited the farm and the other grandparents. I took some more pictures for my project and then just spent some time chit-chatting.

Finally, I headed home and took some pictures on my own farm! Most of our 2008 babies are on the ground and I hadn't been home to see them yet, so I headed out to the barn, camera in hand of course, and played with the babies for an hour or so. Mom and Janell were outside so I got caught-up on all of the recent farm happenings - who cut their leg and who we have to breed and who we're trying to sell. And, yes, you're right. We never had a normal dinner conversation during our family dinners.

Since Janell and I were both home, mom and Chuck took us out for dinner in Lincoln (Guzzardo's - YUMMY!) and by the time we got home, the day was pretty much spent.
Sunday morning I got up at 3:30 (otherwise known as the buttcrack of dawn) to drive up to Sterling for the horse show. And, for the first time in HISTORY (probably not, but for dramatic reasons we'll just leave it that way) we were done with a paint show early - I was headed home by 7 which was absolutely wonderful.
So, like I said, after a crappy week last week, this weekend was wonderful! I'm hoping this week will be a little more laid-back and easy-going. It's finals week (FINALLY!) and that means I don't have to go to class. Thankfully, I only have one more test and one more project to go and I'll be done forever!
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