Friday, May 16, 2008


Oh my gosh. I have so much that I need to get done in so little time.

The plan is to start packing when I get home today. I'm moving on Thursday so, I need to go through all of my stuff and start throwing things away that I don't need anymore. The apartment I'm moving to is actually smaller than the one I'm in now, so I need to try and clear out as much junk as possible.

And, today is my last day at the soybean lab. I'll miss everyone here - they've all been so nice and so flexible with a student's schedule. Anyway, I have to work until 5 tonight. After that I need to run some errands, but after I get home I'm going to work on cleaning out some of my clothes and trying to pull out some things that I know I'm going to want to go out to Nebraska with me and not in the moving truck.

David and I are one step closer to the wedding: we had our engagement pictures done on Thursday. It was the first time we had met out photographer and I really liked her. She works out of Bloomington, so she took us to a park out there and took our pictures.

I'm really excited to see the pictures; it was really overcast on Thursday, but the park was pretty and she seemed like she really knew what she was doing. It didn't take her anytime at all to get us all set up and snap a few shots. I bet we were only there for about 25 minutes, which was wonderful because we had some other errands to run while we were in Bloomington.

For example...couch shopping! My mom has been trying to find us a couch for awhile, but we just haven't been able to find anything. So, Denise said that's what she wanted to get us for graduation - a new couch. So, while we were in Bloomington, Denise met us at SofaMart and we did a little browsing. But, there just wasn't anything I was too impressed with. We decided we'll look in Champaign - hopefully before I have to leave - to see if we can find something.

Back on the list of things that need done...

I need to get started on packing and cleaning. I also need to call the caterer and see if I can get plates and a menu lined out. Then, before I leave I need to run down to Lincoln (Illinois) and see if I can get some things with the flowers finalized. At least pick out the flowers I want and give them the swatch of fabric so they know what color the flowers need to be. I also need to get some pictures picked out so Denise can do the video of David and I if she wants to. Oh, Oh...and I need to fill out a change of address form and call and transfer the cable, water and electricity and call my lanlord in Nebraska and let her know when we'll be there and call and set up my internet out there. Geesh. I'm sure there's a lot more that needs added to the list that I have just forgotten about...Yikes.

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