All of you SNL fans out there will know who that is - Will Farrell playing Harry Caray. After going to the Cubs game at Wrigley this past Saturday, I just couldn't help but put that quote up here.
It was wonderful to go home this weekend and have a chance to catch up with everyone and do a few fun things. David and I got home Friday night and spent the night at my house catching up with mom and Janell then we got up at the buttcrack of dawn on Saturday (4:40 a.m. to be exact) to make the drive up to Metamora and meet Greb and Stephen to drive up to Wrigley for a Cubs vs. Marlins game. And, I have to say, my first Wrigley experience did not disappoint.
We got to Wrigley a little later than we wanted to, so there weren't any bleacher seats left. Lucky for us, we were able to find a great place to stand and watch the game. There weren't really any people in front of us and the sun was shining to make it nice and warm.
At the bottom of the 5th inning, some guy stopped where we were standing to watch the game. He stood right next to me (as in his shoulder touched my shoulder) and I thought to myself, "I know that guy...I know I've seen him somewhere." In my head, I was thinking he had to be from a TV show or something, but for the life of me, I couldn't understand why a TV star would be standing in the bleacher seats at a Cubs game.
Five minutes later, a girl walked up to the man and said, "Oh my gosh - I'm such a big fan of yours - can have my picture taken with you?" To which the man said, "Of course."
At this point, I knew he had to be on TV. However, when I got David (Mr. TV nerd himself - seriously, this kid could watch a show once and pick the star out in a different show or movie ten years down the road) he said he thought the guy was just a regular guy and didn't recognize him. So, for the next hour, I was completely irritated because I knew I had seen this guy on TV but I couldn't place him. Finally, after an hour of being completely annoyed, Stephen said, "Oh man, you're right - that guy is on TV. I think he's on The Big Bang Theory on CBS."
But, since we still weren't sure, David manned up and went over to a man that had taken a picture with the TV star in question and asked him point blank, "Hey - that guy that you took a picture with - is he famous?" Thus, our Big Bang Theory was confirmed. That's right, kids - I rubbed shoulders with an honest-to-God TV star. In fact, it was this guy right here...

To top it all off, the Cubs won, making it an all-around beautiful day. After the game, we headed home - completely exhausted!
Sunday, I got up early to go out and take some pictures of the latest Baum's Hilltop Farm babies - and boy are they cute! We have five on the ground right now and are expecting a few more. Unfortunately, my pictures didn't turn out too well for some reason. But, I'm thinking I might go back home at the end of the month because we'll have a long weekend with the Labor Day holiday.

Janell and I also headed over to Grandma Shirley's and Grandpa Don's to visit for a little while, but found out they had headed to Decatur to run errands. So, we headed over to Ted and Cheryl's and chatted with them for awhile. Then, I headed into to David's for lunch with his family and back home to see Grandma and Grandpa (Grandma left me a message that sounded like she was so disappointed to have missed Janell and I that I knew I had better stop by before David and I made the trip back home).
David and I finally headed West at around 4 p.m. With eight hours to drive, that put us home around midnight and we were both beat - especially after spending what seemed like the entire weekend in a car.
All in all, it was a wonderful weekend and felt great to be able to spend a little bit of time at home. I'm actually looking forward to the end of the month in hopes that I can make the trip again.
I suppose that's it for tonight - you know me, I can't spend too much time on the computer - it's Deadliest Catch night. Oh, Mike Rowe....
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