It has been a while since I've added to this list, so if you need a refresher it's understandable. Check this out for a complete listing of all things I dislike about Nebraska:
Now that you've taken a little trip down memory lane, here's the latest addition. And, here's the kicker - I'm not adding this to the bottom of the list. No, this item has the distinct honor of now being No. 1.
Drum roll please....
1. Vehicle registration renewal.
Now, I know many of you are thinking the same thing: "Dude, I hate that, too, and I don't even live in Nebraska."
Well, my lucky Illinois friends, when you pay to renew the registration on your vehicles, you probably pay about $85.00 - if you're driving car. Here in Nebraska, they come up with a total based on how new your car is and several other factors. Which means, the grand total for Rachel is $359.00.
That's right, $359.00.
I think I'm going to get up early tomorrow and pay that @%#*$&% thing, but trust me, I'm not going to be happy about it. I can't believe I have to pay that much in registration - every stinkin' year!
Deep breaths....
Okay, on to something else. A couple of days ago, Aunt Cheryl sent me some pictures that really does prove the old saying, "Home is where the heart is."
A few months back, Grandpa Don finally bought something he had wanted for a long time - a team of Halflinger ponies. And, apparently, now that the weather is warm, he is taking full advantage of his new mode of transportation.

I'm hoping that I can make it home at the end of May for the Memorial Day holiday because I would love to be able to witness this for myself. However, I'm trying to get a trip planned for work at the end of May, and I'm just not sure I'm going to be able to work all of this travel out in a way that is efficient and won't kill me with all the driving I'm going to have to do. I guess we'll just have to see.
In other news, you'll all be happy to know that I have finally been able to stick to my workout program. For the past three weeks, I've worked out nearly every day, running between two and four miles and lifting weights. Now, to look at me, you wouldn't be able to see any difference, but I sure do feel good.
Other than that, David and I don't really have anything new and exciting to report. The job market still sucks and David is still working for the paper - hoping to find something - anything - full time.
But, David has the night off tonight, so we're going to curl up on the couch and watch some Deadliest Catch. Speaking of which, I think I have just enough time to jump in the shower before it starts....
Yours truly,
Needled in Nebraska
(A.K.A. - the Nebraska DMV is on my shit list)
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