Things I like about Nebraska:
1. Everybody looks like a farmer. David thinks I'm crazy for listing this as one of my 'likes,' but it's true. It makes me feel that much closer to home.
2. People are nice (of course, Nebraska doesn't have Chicago to deal with, so that may make it easier for Nebraska people to be nicer).
3. Chivalry isn't dead here...i.e. boys open doors, say hello and smile at you.
4. Downtown Lincoln is actually more like downtown Champaign - super nice and slow-moving.
5. I haven't been eaten alive by the Cornhusker fans when I wear an Illinois t-shirt (and I have A LOT of Illini t-shirts).
6. I'm only three hours away from my best good friend.
7. State cops in Nebraska drive big pick-up trucks. Seriously, it's awesome (mostly because nobody in Nebraska moves fast enough to outrun a pick-up).
Things I'm not so crazy about:
1. I'm now 8 hours away from home.
2. I'm now 8 hours away from David.
3. I don't know anyone.
4. I had to buy a new washer because my old one leaked (not necessarily a product of living in Nebraska, but this whole moving thing is really expensive...).
5. Tornadoes. Seriously, I haven't even been here a full week and today they're calling for the worst storms of the season and for those storms to continue on through the evening.
5b. I live on the third floor of my apartment complex. There is no basement.
6. Everywhere I go all I see is a sea of red Nebraska clothing and no orange and blue.
7. I like the cops and pick-up trucks. I don't like the amazing multitude of them. Yikes.
That's the list. Look for it to be added to as time goes on. for everything else. Rachel called me yesterday and wanted to know if I wanted to drive over to Ames tomorrow and go down to Quincy with her for a wedding this weekend. I would really love to, but I just can't seem to make up my mind. I just want to make sure that I'll be able to get home in good time on Sunday night because I have to be at work at 8:30 on Monday morning. It would be nice to go and see everyone, though.
I'm all moved into my apartment. David stayed until Tuesday and helped me get everything put away and re-arranged. After we got everything put where we wanted it, I really liked the apartment and the way it's set up. I have a cute little den and a nice open living room. I also have a huge bathroom and laundry room. The kitchen is a little small but I was able to make everything work.
After David got home, he got a call from Noah (the guy with the job in CU). Noah finally offered the job to David and he has to start next Thursday. I'm hoping that this job will be a good opportunity for him and will open some doors for him here in Nebraska. He's really been struggling to find something out here and I know that's really irritating to him.
I suppose that's it for now. I've got some traveling to do coming up here pretty quickly, so I can't promise this is going to be updated as frequently as before. But, I promise I'll try!