Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Poofy bangs, colored eggs, and all things Easter.

I know that overly religious entries are not what you have come to expect from me, but, seeing that Easter is this weekend, I just couldn't help but throw in a shout out to JC (I promise I'll try not to go overboard). And, for you fellow past Illinois FFAers out there, I'm not talking about Jim Craft.

Next to Christmas, Easter is probably my favorite holiday. Aside from what it means spiritually, I have so many happy childhood memories surrounding the Easter holiday.

I remember singing songs with my Sunday school class at church. I remember standing on a stool in the kitchen with my mom, helping her hard boil and then color eggs. I remember hunting for eggs outside with my sister while mom and dad sat on the patio and watched. I remember going to family dinners and playing outside with my sister and my cousins. I even remember the Easter my sister and I hunted for Easter eggs - and then had to go back inside and back to bed because we had chicken pox. And, I remember getting dressed up in poofy dresses and tights and waiting on mom to put the finishing touches on my bangs, finally making them as big as my head.

Wait, I may have gotten confused. Now that I think about it, chicken pox, the girly dresses and giant bangs aren't exactly fond memories. Sorry, but I wasn't exactly crazy about dresses and tights when I was little.

Anyway, the point I'm getting to is this: all of these happy memories wouldn't be possible without the spiritual aspect of Easter that we learn about in Sunday school early in our Christian lives.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.
John 3:16-17

That's pretty powerful stuff. Still, as we tend to get wrapped up in making sure the ham is just perfect for the giant family meal, coloring a few Easter eggs for the kids and biting the ears off of chocolate bunnies, many times we forget what Easter really is about.

Instead of Cadbury Cream Eggs (which, coincidentally, make me really happy when I remember that they haven't made a new commercial in more than 15 years), Easter is about praising Jesus for saving us. It's about Jesus rising from the dead and accepting all of our sins so that we may live forever with him in the Kingdom of Heaven.

So, this Easter, I'm thankful that Jesus died for my sins. I'm thankful to have been raised a Christian with a faithful family and strong beliefs. And, I'm thankful to be able to pass some of the same memories - and the true story of Easter - on to my children someday. I'm thankful that Jesus made all of it possible.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things I Know.

I know that home really is where the heart is.

I know that we sometimes make life harder than it needs to be. I know that laughter really is the best medicine. I know that marriage is easy if you work at it. I also know that marriage can be hard even if you work at it.

I know that a fractured radial head hurts like the dickens. I also know that a husband that rushes to open the doors for me, worries that I'm using my fractured arm too much, helps me put my bra on and laughs at me while I'm trying to cook dinner with one hand - and does all of that without making me feel bad - makes a fractured radial head hurt less.

I know that friends are answers to prayers that we may not knowingly pray. I know that a silly face will always make me laugh and an honest opinion - especially when it comes from my best friend - is the opinion I should trust.

I know it's a blessing (and most of the time, it's hilarious, too) that my sister and my husband love to (pretend to) hate each other. I know that sometimes, you just have to take time for a nap. I know that sometimes, the right picture can say it all - or, just make things more confusing. I know that Mario Kart can bring people together.

I know that families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts thrown in for texture. I know that my family is funnier than most. I know that I will never get tired of seeing Uncle Ted put food coloring in Grandpa's mouth when he's asleep, or steal food off of Grandma's plate. I know that our families make us who we are and that is something we should always be thankful for and never take for granted.

I know that sometimes we feel like God couldn't be farther away when He's actually standing shoulder-to-shoulder with us. I know that God does things that are sometimes painful so that He can bring us closer to Him. I know that He does things to help us offer our testimony to others and that He does some things just to make us stronger.

I know that I'm terrified to someday be a mother, but it excites me at the same time. I know that my husband is quite possibly more excited about the prospect of parenthood than I am. I know that my husband will be a wonderful, loving father that cherishes his children. I know he will teach them to be loyal to their friends, honor their family and together, we will teach our children to walk with God. I also know that, if by chance we would have a little girl someday, she will almost certainly be a "Daddy's" girl and I will most likely end up being the bad guy.

I know that my husband changed me. I know he helped make me who I am today. I know that I was drowning before we started dating and that he kept me from going under. I know that I will never be able to thank him enough for all that he has done for me.

I know the most wonderful things in life really are simple and free. I know that we never stop learning. I know that every person has an interesting story to tell. I know that some people know more about life and living than I could ever hope to forget.

I know my mom is the smartest person I've ever met. I know that she struggles every day and that she only wants the best for my sister and I. I know that she still misses my dad all the time, but that my step-dad, Chuck, has made her happier now than she was for a long time. I know work and hobbies make my mom a whole person.

I know that my sister challenges me to be a better person. I know that she is my role model and shows me, every day, the person that I want to be. I know my sister is talented, funny, smart and beautiful - inside and out. And, I know that even if she does fail math like she claims she's going to do, it won't be the end of the world.

I know that I often do my best thinking in the shower. I also know this is a problem, considering that I spend most of my day not in the shower. I know that sometimes, we are our own worst enemies. I know that patience is a virtue and I know it's a virtue I don't always have. I know that silly arguments should never stand in the way of a good friendship.

I know that I don't like it when my husband has to travel for work. I know that I don't like the other side of the bed being cold, being home by myself and cooking dinner for one. I know that when my husband is gone, I will almost certainly go for days on end without washing dishes or doing the laundry. 

I know that cooking makes me happy and helps relieve my stress. I know that chocolate cake and Grandpa Don's pies should be food groups in the nutritional pyramid. I know that sometimes you just have to pig out and eat junk food. I know that I can't wait to move back home to be closer to my family and friends. I know that this post could quite possibly be the longest post in the history of blogs. Okay, maybe I don't know that for sure. But that's only thing I don't know for sure in this entire post!

And, finally, I know this: These three remain: faith, hope and love. But, the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).

Monday, March 22, 2010


I absolutely LOVE it when we have visitors. Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. David and I are lame and don't get out much, so we don't really know what to do for fun here in Lincoln.
  2. We don't know too many people out here in Husker country.
  3. We both work a lot and don't get to go home and visit with friends as often as we would like to.
  4. I like feeding people.
  5. Video games are much more fun with four players.
  6. David doesn't like to go shopping with me. 
  7. Visitors make it easier to get rid of leftover beer.
  8. David and I are lame and don't get out much, so we don't really know what to do for fun here in Lincoln. Oh wait - I already said that, didn't I?
No matter what the reason, we love visitors. They make my life happy. They make my skirt fly up (well, that would be true if I actually wore skirts anymore). They give my life meaning.

Okay, maybe that last one was a bit much.

Either way, my life was super happy this weekend because my sister, Janell, and cousin, Brian, came out for a visit. Janell started her spring break this weekend and Brian hasn't started planting yet, so it seemed like the perfect time for them to make the long drive out to Nebraska.

I'm not sure they enjoyed it as much as we did, though. Because of reasons No. 1 and 2 above, we didn't do a whole lot. And by "we don't do a whole lot," I mean we rarely leave our apartment (see No. 2). I mean, lets be honest - David and I aren't exactly the let's-go-out-and-drive-around-town-until-we-find-something-fun-to-do kind of people. We aren't even the plan-every-detail-out-completely kind of people. We're sit-on-the-couch-and-watch-a-movie kind of people.

So, instead of doing and planning, we fed Brian and Janell lots of food, played video games, enjoyed some adult beverages and Janell and I went shopping (see numbers 4, 5, 6 and 7 above).

Despite that lack of regular visitor-type activities, I think the travelers enjoyed their time here in Nebraska. I know we sure enjoyed seeing them...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Oh, March Madness...

How I've missed you. In fact, to me, you're just like Christmas. I wait all year for college basketball and tournament time - and let me tell you - in this crazy state where the Husker football fans take fandom to a whole new level, you couldn't have come at a better time.

And, even though my picks this year haven't been as solid and consistent as they have been in the past - and I'm danger of losing this year's bracket challenge to my husband (despite my three-year win streak) - I still love you and the obscene number of basketball games with which you've blessed my TV.

And that's why I pledge my unending devotion and love to you, college basketball, and your best friend, March Madness. I wish you didn't have to leave me for months on end in the hands of your dreaded cousin, baseball season. I'm sorry, but he's boring.

Don't tell my husband about that thing I just said about baseball season. He loves baseball season.

Monday, March 15, 2010

In case you were wondering...

...what a broken radial head looks like on the outside. Pretty, isn't it?

I know the picture isn't that great. What you don't see is that the bruise runs all the way down past my elbow and wraps around the back. And, it doesn't show how swollen my elbow STILL is. And that, my friends, makes it even prettier.

I'm off to find a bag of ice. And drugs.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Maybe, just maybe, Monday, I went out to eat with a colleague and magazine editor. Then, maybe right after our food arrived, I got up to go the bathroom and just before I reached the door, the floor moved. 

Ok, maybe the floor didn't move. Maybe it was just a little bit slippery and my feet didn't do what they were supposed to. Maybe, my heels slipped right out from under me and maybe, just maybe, I started to fall. And, maybe, when I fell, I used my hand to break my fall. And, maybe I had to go to the emergency room after work and have an x-ray taken. And, maybe the doctor told me I fractured the radial head in my right elbow.


What, you think that story is true? What kind of person do you think I am? You obviously don't know me that well.

Or, maybe you do.

Yes, that's right kids. Rachel "Crash Test Dummy" Torbert is back. I hadn't broken any bones for quite some time - seven years, in fact, as my husband was all too eager to remind me - so, I suppose I was about due for some kind of freak accident.

But, here I am with a broken elbow. A broken RIGHT elbow. Need I remind you that I'm right handed and I write things for a living? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG IT HAS TAKEN ME TO HUNT-AND-PECK TYPE THIS BLOG POST WITH MY LEFT HAND?


Who falls in a restaurant and breaks something? I mean, I don't even have any cool story to go with it.

"How did you do that?"

"Oh, you know, Hulk Hogan was givin' me a hard time so I slugged him...or, I fell."

Hulk Hogan or not, I'm in a sling for at least four weeks - because they can't put a cast on my arm - and I'm supposed to be icing and not using my crazy, swollen, purple elbow. Trust me, it's fun.

You know what else if fun? Trying to put a bra on. In fact, I'm going to leave you with that visual. Hopefully, with that thought in your head, you'll end up being as miserable as I am.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My bags are packed, I'm ready to go....

Nevermind. Screw that song. It gives the impression that I'm all sad and droopy about leaving and that, my friends, is certainly not the case here. Plus, I'm only going to be gone for three days. Maybe that's the sad and droopy part...

Don't get me wrong - Nebraska and I have a relatively comfortable relationship. I mean, we tolerate each other and that's enough for the time being. But, my tiny Nebraska apartment doesn't have room for horses, and that means that I'm ready to head home for the weekend and get some horse time under my belt.

By the time this post hits the web, Scoop and I will be on the road and headed East. My suitcase is packed, the cooler is packed, the camera is in the car and I've made goodies for mom and Janell and they're in the car, too - the only thing we're waiting on is for the clock to strike five on Thursday and our butts to be in the driver's and passenger's seats. In other words, it's on. It is SO on.

But, I'm not excited or anything.

All singing, yelling, shouting, parade throwing and skipping aside, I think I've picked a pretty good weekend to hit the road for home. This weekend is the Illinois Horse Fair, and mom is taking a few sale horses over, so we'll have a little booth set up and I'll probably have a chance to run into some old friends that I haven't seen in a while. We're also donating our horses for the judging contest, which may mean that I get to log some time in the saddle, too.

And, David...well, I don't know what David is doing. All I know is that I'll be spending my time in Springfield, where I get to play with horses, talk to some friends and do some much needed western shopping.

Oh, bring it on.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oh, spandex.

You're not going to believe this, but I bought spandex.

Pick your jaw up off the floor - it's true.

Don't worry - I don't plan on wearing it outside of my house. Well, unless of course, I can find some giant, circa early 1990s shirt that hangs down past my knees to wear with it.

Anyway, my best good friend and I went shopping this weekend, and near the end of our day, ended up at Scheels. We started poking around in the wind pants and, somehow, stumbled into the yoga pants section. I can't explain it, but I was just drawn to these pants. They felt so nice - despite the fact that they're largely made of spandex-like material and I have a big-time aversion to spandex. I started looking for my size and much to my surprise they had it - and, I could get them with extra length. How could I not try them on?

Big mistake.

I slipped (okay, tugged) them on and was instantly in heaven. By no means do they make me look good, but - man oh man, let me tell you - they sure are comfortable. And, they're be perfect to run in when it's a little too chilly for shorts. Or - gasp - great for yoga.

I know. Who would have thought that yoga pants would be great for yoga? Shocking.

Of course, after trying them on and loving these crazy spandex pants, I went a little crazy. Partially because I love comfy clothes and partially because my doctor told me I HAD to lose weight or he was going to start me on another type of medication.

So, I found a long sleeved shirt great for running when it's cold outside and a new sports bra. I've left myself with no possible excuse for not working out. Damn.

I don't know why it's so hard to stick to something like working out every few days - I like to run and lift weights, so why won't I just do it? Who knows. Either way, I'm hoping the four people that read this will help me stick to my guns and push me to keep going. In other words, feel free to use condescending and rude remarks - even blackmail - to help me through this. Or something like that.

Even my skinny-ass husband has offered to help by going down to the work out room at our complex and working out with me. That should provide enough drive right there - I mean, the kids loses five pounds when he even looks at a set of weights or a treadmill.

Anyway, my plan is to NOT look like this anymore (seriously - I wore a green shirt to work today, so the resemblance is uncanny. That, and I do have a habit of walking around the office with a giant turkey leg in my hand...or whatever that is)...

And, look something like this by the end of the month:

Okay - maybe not. But, that's beside the point.

No matter what happens, I'm sure this little expedition will at least provide me with a few blog posts worth of humorous stories and happenings from the work out room and the girls that, oh my god, like, love to, like, get on the elliptical and, like, sweat and, like, watch E!
