David was traveling for work the week before we came home, so I had to wait on him to leave Lincoln. Unfortunately, David didn't get home from Alliance, Neb., until about 6 p.m., so that's when we finally took off and headed east. Since David had been driving all day, I took the reins for the drive home and it was brutal - in fact, right up until we pulled into the hotel parking lot, I was pretty sure we were never going to make it to Peoria.
Anyway, at about 1:30 in the morning, we finally drove into Chillicothe, Ill., and found our hotel. Of course, being the concerned wife, I made David stay in the hotel room with mom, Janell and I (he was really happy about this, as I'm sure you can imagine) instead of driving the rest of the way home. After a few hours of sleep, though, we were up again. Janell, mom and I headed to the show grounds for the Paint show in Peoria and David headed home.
After my last showing experience - which we all know did not end well - I decided to take another stab at it. So, I showed in showmanship, two-year-old western pleasure and a walk-trot class. Much to my excitement, I wasn't as rusty as I thought. I ended up getting third in showmanship (and there were 14 in my class, thank you very much) and a third and sixth in western pleasure.

But, almost as soon as I was done, I had to hit the road for home (Clinton home) again to go to a "concert" that Jimmy Holland was putting on. David and I were asked to be the "official photographers" (I use the term loosely) for the '50s and '60s themed event, and let me tell you, it was a lot of fun! Lots of great singers and acts - very entertaining.
Needless to say, after showing all day in the heat, driving home, showering and heading back into town for a long evening, I was pretty much shot at the end of the night. Unfortunately for David and I, we had to get up and head west the next morning.
But of course, that never quite happens like you think it's going to...
I left David's house in the morning to run home and visit with mom, Chuck and Janell. I also wanted to see Grandma and Grandpa and I knew that my cousin had some home-grown green beans for David and I to take home. I headed home and, of course, took some pictures around the farm, then decided I needed to get going and make the stops I had originally planned on.
First stop, my cousin, Chris's, house. I ended up with two large grocery bags of green beans and a bucket of tomatoes to take home.
Next stop, Grandma and Grandpa's. This time, I ended up with a large box of tomatoes and some sweet peppers (yes, David and I have been eating green beans and tomatoes with every meal. We had them again tonight with chicken macaroni).
Anyway, after visiting at home, heading back into town to say goodbye to David's family and heading back out to my house to drop off Janell's car, David and I didn't leave for Lincoln until almost 5:30.
Yes. That means that the trip home was BRUTAL. David drove the first four hours, then I settled in for the last four. At hour three, I just couldn't make it anymore. David and I pulled over at Nebraska City to switch drivers and, according to David, I was asleep before I even finished buckling my seat belt.
After what seemed like weeks after we left, we were finally home. Just in time to start the work week over again. And, let me tell you, I didn't think I was ever going to graduate to this weekend.
This weekend, David and I stayed home. We ran some errands in Lincoln (two pairs of work pants for David just weren't cutting it, so I dragged him to the mall for some shopping) and we saw a movie (this is where I interject that EVERYONE must see The Ugly Truth - HILARIOUS!).
That means, after all that, we're back to Monday again. Back to the grindstone. And, I think I'm still tired from a week ago...
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