David said this morning, "Can you believe it? In the past few weeks, we have seen more people from home than we usually do while we're at home."
And, he's right. David's mom, sister and nieces were out here visiting for a few hours a few weeks ago. Then, we had a visit from David's sister Tracie and her boyfriend, JD. This weekend, we entertained Rachel, Kirk and David's sister, brother-in-law and nephew.
Somewhere in the past few weeks, I was also able to fit in a trip home. I had originally decided to take just a few vacation days in August to go home and ride and maybe show at one of the smaller paint shows. Then, I found out that our team was working on some market research for one of the equine brands and was hoping to get some video to go along with the PowerPoint presentation and handouts. So, I moved my trip up to July and took the video camera home with me.
While I was home, I was able to hang out at the Illinois State Fair Illinois Paint Horse Show and the Farmer City Fair. Even though I didn't get to show that much, it was wonderful to catch up with everyone and have a chance to just watch all of the classes - through the viewfinder of a video camera, of course. And, you know me, I also used it as an opportunity to take some still shots. 

Of course, up to this point, David was still working nights and part time, and couldn't come home with me. After I had been home a few days, we noticed that a job he applied for (and, unfortunately, and turn down an offer for) had been posted online again. After talking it over, we decided he should go ahead and apply for it - just to see.
A day later, he got a call asking for an interview. The next day, he interviewed, and a few hours after that, had a job offer!
So - drum roll please - DAVID HAS A FULL TIME JOB! He will be working for a company that writes newsletter and press releases for other corporations. He'll also get to do quite a bit of traveling, so it should be a pretty exciting job and a nice change of pace - and paycheck.
I'm really looking forward to the change of schedule, too. It will be so nice to finally be working during the same time of day. We'll both be home at the same time, can eat supper together and spend the rest of our evening relaxing together.
Anyway, David starts August 7. He still has to work until August 13 for the Journal Star because they're very short-staffed. That following weekend, we're planning to head back home with Tracie and her boyfriend for a quick weekend at home. I suppose that's it for now - but, I did drop some pretty big news, so that should hold you all until I can post again. Which, of course, may be tomorrow - or it may be next month!
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