I'm well aware that my blog has not been too exciting as of late. In fact, it has been downright boring. Travel plans and pictures of cakes aren't exactly topics that make you wiggle with anticipation.
So, I have decided that things need a little spicing up. The next question becomes, "How can I make things spicier?"
Then I remembered, my anniversary is right around the corner. And, while many of you know the abridged version of Annie Oakley meets Scoop Jackson (also known as the Rachel and David chronicles), I thought it might still be fun to do a little series about how we got together. Not only will this allow me to update more than once a month, but it should also work as an excellent service for all of you who have trouble sleeping - this might actually knock you out cold.
In all seriousness, though, sometimes we forget to remember the fun little things that "hooked" us at the very beginning of a relationship. Even though David and I have only been married a year, we've been together significantly longer and I don't want to forget those things that happened at the very start of our story. Honestly, I'm mere weeks away from marking my quarter-century point in life and I'm pretty convinced that, after this birthday, it's all downhill from here. In fact, I could be days away from dementia, so it's vitally important that I write this down.
But, before I begin, I owe all of you (okay, all five people that actually read this) a disclaimer:
This is not some tragic love story. Our story doesn't invovle fairytale love on the heels of some horrible event. And, it most certainly does not involve a giant, hulk of a man on a beautiful white horse sweeping some petite little princess off her feet. Shoot, my husband won't hardly touch a horse, let alone ride one. And, let's be honest, I'm the farthest thing from "petite" there is.
Still, we have a story. And, parts of it are funny.
More on that later....
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