Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Things I Know.

I know that home really is where the heart is.

I know that we sometimes make life harder than it needs to be. I know that laughter really is the best medicine. I know that marriage is easy if you work at it. I also know that marriage can be hard even if you work at it.

I know that a fractured radial head hurts like the dickens. I also know that a husband that rushes to open the doors for me, worries that I'm using my fractured arm too much, helps me put my bra on and laughs at me while I'm trying to cook dinner with one hand - and does all of that without making me feel bad - makes a fractured radial head hurt less.

I know that friends are answers to prayers that we may not knowingly pray. I know that a silly face will always make me laugh and an honest opinion - especially when it comes from my best friend - is the opinion I should trust.

I know it's a blessing (and most of the time, it's hilarious, too) that my sister and my husband love to (pretend to) hate each other. I know that sometimes, you just have to take time for a nap. I know that sometimes, the right picture can say it all - or, just make things more confusing. I know that Mario Kart can bring people together.

I know that families are like fudge - mostly sweet with a few nuts thrown in for texture. I know that my family is funnier than most. I know that I will never get tired of seeing Uncle Ted put food coloring in Grandpa's mouth when he's asleep, or steal food off of Grandma's plate. I know that our families make us who we are and that is something we should always be thankful for and never take for granted.

I know that sometimes we feel like God couldn't be farther away when He's actually standing shoulder-to-shoulder with us. I know that God does things that are sometimes painful so that He can bring us closer to Him. I know that He does things to help us offer our testimony to others and that He does some things just to make us stronger.

I know that I'm terrified to someday be a mother, but it excites me at the same time. I know that my husband is quite possibly more excited about the prospect of parenthood than I am. I know that my husband will be a wonderful, loving father that cherishes his children. I know he will teach them to be loyal to their friends, honor their family and together, we will teach our children to walk with God. I also know that, if by chance we would have a little girl someday, she will almost certainly be a "Daddy's" girl and I will most likely end up being the bad guy.

I know that my husband changed me. I know he helped make me who I am today. I know that I was drowning before we started dating and that he kept me from going under. I know that I will never be able to thank him enough for all that he has done for me.

I know the most wonderful things in life really are simple and free. I know that we never stop learning. I know that every person has an interesting story to tell. I know that some people know more about life and living than I could ever hope to forget.

I know my mom is the smartest person I've ever met. I know that she struggles every day and that she only wants the best for my sister and I. I know that she still misses my dad all the time, but that my step-dad, Chuck, has made her happier now than she was for a long time. I know work and hobbies make my mom a whole person.

I know that my sister challenges me to be a better person. I know that she is my role model and shows me, every day, the person that I want to be. I know my sister is talented, funny, smart and beautiful - inside and out. And, I know that even if she does fail math like she claims she's going to do, it won't be the end of the world.

I know that I often do my best thinking in the shower. I also know this is a problem, considering that I spend most of my day not in the shower. I know that sometimes, we are our own worst enemies. I know that patience is a virtue and I know it's a virtue I don't always have. I know that silly arguments should never stand in the way of a good friendship.

I know that I don't like it when my husband has to travel for work. I know that I don't like the other side of the bed being cold, being home by myself and cooking dinner for one. I know that when my husband is gone, I will almost certainly go for days on end without washing dishes or doing the laundry. 

I know that cooking makes me happy and helps relieve my stress. I know that chocolate cake and Grandpa Don's pies should be food groups in the nutritional pyramid. I know that sometimes you just have to pig out and eat junk food. I know that I can't wait to move back home to be closer to my family and friends. I know that this post could quite possibly be the longest post in the history of blogs. Okay, maybe I don't know that for sure. But that's only thing I don't know for sure in this entire post!

And, finally, I know this: These three remain: faith, hope and love. But, the greatest of these is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).


Rachel said...

I love you and your know it all self :)

Erica McClure said...

Wow! Awesome post...you are such a great writer! Makes me want to do a "things I know" post too. Hope all is well!

Rachel said...

Thanks, Erica. It was fun to write.

Dana said...

Now that I'm crying....