And, let me tell you, it feels so good!
Monday night marked four weeks, which meant that I officially got to ditch my sling. I had been using it intermittently prior to Monday (hey - lay off - the doctor said I could take my sling off and work my elbow up and down to keep it from getting stiff), but to finally be able to officially throw that thing in a drawer and not look back felt so much better than wearing it intermittently.
Anyway, every once in a while, I do something that makes me go, "Holy smokes. My arm felt really, really good...until I did that." But, for the most part, it feels good and seems to be getting back to normal.
I was a little worried about going home for Easter, though. You see, I knew my Aunt Cheryl - a physical therapist - would be there and would want to check my range of motion and find out if I had been moving my elbow to keep it from getting stiff, etc. Aunt Cheryl wanting to give me a check up could very well mean screaming pain, twisting and torture for my arm. And, because my Aunt Cheryl enjoys her job - essentially, she enjoys torturing other people when they do stupid things like slip and fall and break an elbow - I knew I was going to have to pass muster with my crazy elbow.
And, of course, after dinner, Cheryl wanted me to show her how I could bend and extend my elbow. Of course, I couldn't completely extend it, but I must have done well enough because she decided against the Elbow Inquistion of 2010 and let me go without a fight.
Hey, man, it's the small victories in life, okay?
And, speaking of Easter...
Yep, that's right, folks. I completely choked when it came to taking some pictures of Easter dinner and horses and home. I took a few pictures, but they aren't that great, so it's safe to say that I generally suck at life.
Despite running around like chickens with our heads cut off, David and I did enjoy our time at home. Saturday, Janell and I did some shopping together while the boys - David, Brian and Janell's man, Spencer - went golfing. Or, they went drinking and did a little golfing on the side. I'm not really sure. Either way, the report we got back was that David sucked big time while Brian and Spencer also sucked, just a bit less than David.
Saturday night, I headed over to David's house for their Easter dinner. When I got there, David's nephew, Jake, serenaded us.
Photos courtesy of Scoop
Sunday morning, when I went outside to help Janell chore, I took my camera with me. However, due to the recent rain, all of the horses were completely covered and caked in mud. Trust me, not pretty. I did snap a couple of pictures, though. Then, we headed over to Grandma's for dinner and, before we knew it, it was time to hit the road for Nebraska.
Look at that bottom lip! Bucky was a sleepin' boy...
Told you the few pictures I had time to snap were nothing to write home about. I intended to experiment with the other lens that John and Densie got us, but I seriously didn't have time. I had my camera out for an hour, at most, and that certainly didn't involve changing lenses.
I'm anxious to get home at the end of May for the long weekend, though. Hopefully by then, the grass will be super green and the horses won't be wallowing in mud.
I'm also anxious for David to get home. He's been gone for work this week and we all know what that means: clothes that need to be folded are piled up in the corner, my sink is full of dishes, I haven't cooked a real meal in at least seven days and I'm running on little to no sleep. I don't know why it happens, but when he's gone, I change from normal tidy, OCD must-keep-everything-in-it's-place-and-dusted person to I-just-blew-my-nose-and-I-have-no-intention-of-getting-off-the-couch-to-throw-my-Kleenex-away person.
Yes, I know, posting these pictures makes it official. I have no shame.
But, David will be home late tonight so that means I can at least try to resume my normal sleep schedule. Maybe I should go wash some dishes, too.