Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I don't like Ike.

I mean, the president was okay, but I'm not so fond of the storm.

Please keep in mind, I feel very bad for all of the people in Texas that have been displaced from their homes because of Hurricane Ike, but.....


....but.....freakin' Ike ruined our honeymoon plans! We were all set up to stay at the Silverleaf Seaside Resort in Galveston, Texas right after our wedding, but I'm thinking that is not going to happen. I have seen several pictures of Galveston Island and it looks like it was totally decimated, so even if our resort was able to clean up and make repairs, the rest of the town will still be in shambles.

The best part about this whole scenario? We've already bought our plane tickets. Yep, that's right kids, I'll be paying millions of dollars in change fees to change our flight from Houston to some other place we decide to go. Yuck.

I talked to Janell tonight - it was so nice to talk to her on the phone for a little while and just catch up with what is going on with her. She told me that she was thinking about interviewing at 4-H House. And, while that wasn't the best place for me (of course, I'm grateful to have met my best friends there), I think it would probably really benefit Janell. She's very different than I am, and I think that kind of atmosphere would really help her settle into school and make her really comfortable.

She also told me that she's planning on joining the U of I meats judging team! She emailed my best friend, Rachel, (Rachel did the meats judging team during her undergrad at U of I) about it the other day and asked her some questions about it. Janell said she thought she would really enjoy it, so she's going to meet with the coach, Dr. Carr, tomorrow to talk to him more about the time commitment and practices.

In other news, the workouts continue. But, now that David is out here, I'm pulling double duty. I always do better with my workouts when someone is holding me accountable, so for the past few days, David and I have been working out together after I get off work. Since he was a kinesiology minor in college, he knows all about anatomy and fitness and weightlifing. So, every night we go down to the exercise room and he helps me lift weights, then I run a couple of miles on the treadmill while he does leg presses and the bike. Then, we come back upstairs and I renew my friendship with Gilad. I had kind of fallen off the wagon there for a couple of weeks, so I'm hoping I can get back on the wagon and really stick to it to look smokin' hot for the wedding.

Finally - a little joke to cap off tonight's entry. Here goes:

Two mothers decided to visit their engaged children (who happen to live together in Nebraska) at the exact same time.

Wait, that isn't so funny. But, it's true. David was talking to Denise last night at the same time I was talking to my mom and our mothers had both decided they wanted to come out and visit. I have some wedding stuff that needs to get done, so mom thought she just might come out here to help me get it done and see my apartment. Denise thought it would be nice to ride out to Nebraska with us when we come home in October and then take the train over to Denver to visit the grandkids. The catch is, they both want to come the same week.

God sure has a funny sense of humor.

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