Monday, April 7, 2008

Here We Go.....

Those of you that know me well know that blogging is not something that I would normally do. I love to Facebook (honestly, what college student doesn't?) and I try to keep in touch that way, but blogging is not something that has ever really crossed my mind as something that I really wanted to do.

That is until I decided to move halfway across the flippin' country. That's right, as many of you may already know, David and I will be moving to Nebraska at the end of May to start our new lives in Lincoln. It's definitely going to be interesting. I have a job with Bader, Rutter & Associates - an ag marketing firm based out of Milwaukee, Wis. David is still looking for jobs out there, but has some interviews set up, so everything is in full swing....We're even headed out there at the end of April to look for houses.

We're also in the process of planning our wedding....which has been ridiculous! (And yes, you can all laugh at me for making my sign-in name and email address Rachel Torbert BEFORE I'm officially married- I didn't want to have to change it in six months! Geesh!) Wedding planning was crazy to begin with, but now, I'm trying to cram it all in to the last month and a half we're going to be here in Illinois and that is making me totally crazy! We do have the big stuff done - church, preacher, dress, tux, bridesmaids dresses, food, flowers and photog - but there is still just a whole bunch of stuff to do.

I suppose that's it for now....I just wanted to get a little "Welcome to my Blog - here's my life" intro set up. Feel free to comment and to harrass me when I fall behind and don't blog as often as I should....because, you know I will.

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